Lesson 1 |
We are co-workers.(Be 동사 현재형만으로 멋지게 자기소개하기!) |
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Lesson 2 |
We were close friends at that time.(예전의 상태. 감정은 Be동사 과거형에게 맡겨라!) |
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Lesson 3 |
I usually drive to work.(일반동사 현재형으로 반복되는 일상 묘사하기!) |
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Lesson 4 |
How is your new job going?(일반동사 현재형으로 동작과 상태 표현하기!) |
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Lesson 5 |
We had a meeting about the project.(과거의 일은 일반동사 과거형에게 묻기!) |
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Lesson 6 |
Did you finish the work?(일반동사 과거형에 무슨 일이 있었니?) |
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Lesson 7 |
We are targeting people in their twenties.(현재진행형으로 지금 벌어지고 있는 일을 생생하게 묘사하자!) |
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Lesson 8 |
He was waiting for your call.(그 때 내가 뭐하고 있었는지 과거진행형은 알고 있다.) |
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Lesson 9 |
I have been to London on a business trip.(화려한 경력은 현재완료로 말하자!) |
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Lesson 10 |
The Internet has been changing our lives very much.(과거부터 현재까지 쭈욱~ 현재완료진행형으로 잇는다.) |
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Lesson 11 |
You will fall in love with her.(미래시제로 당신의 미래를 알려 드립니다.) |
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Lesson 12 |
Which one do you like?(의문사 의문문은 세상의 궁금증을 푸는 열쇠!) |
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Lesson 13 |
Where do you want to go?(의문사 의문문은 당신의 답변을 기다립니다.) |
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Lesson 14 |
Please ask John to call me.(부드럽게 제안하고 의뢰해 주세요!) |
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Lesson 15 |
She was standing at the bus station.(전치사로 때와 장소 자유자재로 말하기!) |
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Lesson 16 |
He paid for the meal with cash.(전치사라고 다 같은 전치사는 아니라구!) |
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Lesson 17 |
Wake me up at 5:00, please.(전치사와 부사로 동사의 뜻을 업그레이드!) |
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Lesson 18 |
Are you going away this weekend?(전치사와 부사 만나서 이어동사가 되었다!) |
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Lesson 19 |
I just came back from my trip only a few days ago. |
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Lesson 20 |
How can it be annoying? |
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